Politically Speaking....

What's Happening in Northwest Wisconsin
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
The Sawyer County Zoning Committee discussed point of sale inspections for septic systems at their meeting on June 19. Actually the issue was only talked about in passing. Much more time was spent on the failures of the Carmody program which tracks septic inspections. The data base is so bad that reminder cards have not been sent for over a year. The county is in danger of losing the Wisconsin Fund program which pays for septic replacement based on need. The committee members were not aware of the seriousness of the problem. Further discussion of septic system registration will be on the August agenda.
Monday, June 15, 2009
June Monthly Report
Barron County
Barron County Administrator Duane Hebert has resigned to accept an offer from Winona County, MN. The Executive Committee is now discussing what should happen next. The options include hiring a new County Administrator, election of a County Executive, hire a County Coordinator or go back to Committee system.
Barron County held the first meeting of a Recreation Work Group. This committee is looking at upgrading county owned parks, trails, shooting ranges, boat landings and other county owned property. A lengthy discussion also centered on the county's total lack of tourism promotion. When asked if I had any comments I stated "Realtors are interested in tourism and recreation promotion because it brings in new potential buyers." The committee plans on meeting, at minimum, on a monthly basis.
The Chetek and Weyerhaeuser-area school boards voted unanimously to approve a resolution to consider consolidation-making them one step closer to approving a merger between the two school districts.
Bayfield County
According to the last Bayfield County Comprehensive Planning Agenda, meetings were scheduled for June 23 and 24. However, I find no agendas posted on the website. I assume they have been cancelled. Considering their last meetings concerned land use questions, it may be taking some time developing answers.
Burnett County
The Burnett County Comprehensive Planning Committee covered a lot of ground this month. They insist they are on target to have the plan approved by January 1. They have a Northern Cluster meeting to update citizens scheduled for June 22 from 6-9 pm at the Government Center. The Southern Cluster meeting is June 23 at the same time and place. Feel free to attend either meeting. The next meeting of the Comprehensive Planning Committee is July 6.
Rusk County
The Chetek and Weyerhaeuser area school boards voted unanimously to approve a resolution to consider consolidation-making them one step closer to approving a merger between the two school districts.
Sawyer County
The Sawyer County Zoning Committee agenda for June 19 lists ... Continued discussion on septic system inspection at time of sale and discussion on the Carmody program and enforcement of the pumping requirements. The saga will continue.
In a Letter to the Editor of the Sawyer County Record, the Sawyer County Lakes Forum is urging the Sawyer County Zoning Committee to get tough on non registered and failing septic systems without using point of sale as a trigger. This is the same position urged by the Realtors® Association of Northwestern Wisconsin.
Washburn County
The Spooner Advocate has been asking the Washburn County Economic Development Corporation for justification of not allowing the public to participate in their meetings. The entire article can be found here. (Free registration required to read entire article.) Washburn County Economic Development Corporation (WCEDC) President Chuck Jenkins responded to some questions in an Open Letter to the public here.
Other Information
The Wisconsin DNR Board is expected to vote on new Shoreland Regulations (NR 115) at their June 24 meeting. Basic outline of changes can be found here. Unlike past proposed changes these changes are not expected to meet with major opposition. New impervious standards are the most controversial with the elimination of the 50% rule being the most welcomed.
Friday, June 12, 2009
The Wisconsin DNR Board is expected to vote on new Shoreland Regulations (NR 115) at their June 24 meeting. Basic outline of changes can be found here. Unlike past proposed changes these changes are not expected to meet with major opposition. New impervious standards are the most controversial with the elimination of the 50% rule being the most welcomed.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Barron County held the first meeting of a Recreation Work Group. This committee is looking at upgrading county owned parks, trails, shooting ranges, boat landings and other county owned property. A lengthy discussion also centered on the county's total lack of tourism promotion. When asked if I had any comments I stated "Realtors are interested in tourism and recreation promotion because it brings in new potential buyers." The committee plans on meeting, at minimum, on a monthly basis.
Washburn County Economic Development Corporation is on the defensive for their position they are not subject to the Open Meeting Laws. They no longer post agendas or make minutes of meetings available to the public. I have a hunch this issue will not go away quietly.
All RANWW Brokers are being encouraged to enroll in the Broker Involvement Program. Contact me for more details!
Washburn County Economic Development Corporation is on the defensive for their position they are not subject to the Open Meeting Laws. They no longer post agendas or make minutes of meetings available to the public. I have a hunch this issue will not go away quietly.
All RANWW Brokers are being encouraged to enroll in the Broker Involvement Program. Contact me for more details!
Monday, June 1, 2009
The Spooner Advocate has been asking the Washburn County Economic Development Corporation for justification of not allowing the public to participate in their meetings. The entire article can be found here. (Free registration required to read entire article.) Many very interesting questions are asked with no answers in sight.
Barron County Administrator Duane Hebert has accepted the position of Administrator in Winona County, MN. While Mr. Hebert certainly has his detractors, he has always had an open door policy with me to discuss issues of concerns to Realtors® and Builders.
Last year Barron County dismanteled the Parks/Recreation/Forestry Department. That decision has come under fire by many who believe tourist related services should be promoted not diminished. A "Work Group Meeting" is scheuled for June 4 to discuss this issue.
In a Letter to the Editor of the Sawyer County Record, the Sawyer County Lakes Forum is urging the Sawyer County Zoning Committee to get tough on non registered and failing septic systems. This is the same position urged by the Realtors® Association of Northwestern Wisconsin.
Barron County Administrator Duane Hebert has accepted the position of Administrator in Winona County, MN. While Mr. Hebert certainly has his detractors, he has always had an open door policy with me to discuss issues of concerns to Realtors® and Builders.
Last year Barron County dismanteled the Parks/Recreation/Forestry Department. That decision has come under fire by many who believe tourist related services should be promoted not diminished. A "Work Group Meeting" is scheuled for June 4 to discuss this issue.
In a Letter to the Editor of the Sawyer County Record, the Sawyer County Lakes Forum is urging the Sawyer County Zoning Committee to get tough on non registered and failing septic systems. This is the same position urged by the Realtors® Association of Northwestern Wisconsin.
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