Politically Speaking....

Politically Speaking....
What's Happening in Northwest Wisconsin

Monday, January 19, 2009

January GAD Report
Barron County

· Very unusual tales of "misconduct in office" involving two different Barron County Supervisors came to light over the past few weeks. This story from the Barron News-Shield tells the story.

• A long anticipated Animal Control Contract has been approved by the Barron County Supervisors with the Humane Society. The County is going to attempt to control the stray pet population in the county. We wish them the best of luck in this attempt.

• A proposed sand mine in the Town of Arland is becoming quite a STORY. The Town Board has given their approval for the sand mine but Town residents aren't giving up their opposition.

• An oft repeated complaint of Town Officials is that County Board Supervisors don't listen to their input on issues. An example of this is playing out in the Town of Prairie Lake. A proposed campground, which was twice opposed by the Town of Prairie Lake Planning Commission and Town Board with solid resident approval of their opposition, was approved by the Barron County Board of Adjustment. Residents of that Prairie Lake area have filed a lawsuit asking the court to overturn the decision.

• The Barron County Comprehensive Planning Committee has started to meet twice a month. A healthy discussion on Housing was accomplished last meeting with Transportation being the topic de jur on the January 21 Agenda.

Rice Lake's awarding winning police dog dies suddenly.

The Rice Lake Police Department's canine officer, Morgan, died Sunday, Jan. 11 of natural causes. Morgan, a 7-year old male German shepherd, has been on the job with Sgt. Steve Roux since the summer of 2003.

Rice Lake Police chief John Sommerfeld told the City Council on Tuesday, Jan. 13 that Morgan suddenly became ill early Sunday morning, collapsed, and died shortly thereafter. He said a preliminary autopsy indicated the dog died of a heart condition.

Mark Your Calendar for Realtor/Government Day on April 8!!!

Bayfield County

· The Bayfield County Comprehensive Planning Committee is going on the road. In an attempt to reach out to the residents the next meetings will be held at the Visitors Center (January 28 Agenda) and Grand View (January 29 Agenda). Everyone Welcome...Please!!!

Mark Your Calendar for Realtor/Government Day on April 8!!!

Burnett County

• Record 2008 timber sales were reported in Burnett County.

With $1.44 million in 2008 timber sales revenue collected to date, a new record has been set for the Burnett County Forest.
"It was the best year we've ever had," forestry administrator Jake Nichols declared. "Even in these economic times."
"It's a good thing for us we are mainly a pulp wood forest," he continued. "Pulp wood is the last market to go bad because everyone needs paper."

• The Burnett County Comprehensive Planning Committee will be reviewing their December Open House Meetings at their next meeting on January 26 at 1:00 pm.

Mark Your Calendar for Realtor/Government Day on April 8!!!

Rusk County

• Rusk County has prepared their Comprehensive Plan Survey and it is in the process of distributing it to the residents.

• A Zoning Committee Public Hearing is being set for changes to the POWTS ordinance to bring it into compliance with State Statutes.

• A Zoning Committee Public Hearing is being set up for changes to the Shoreland Ordinance as it relates to Keyhole Subdivisions. The changes include:

1) Lots must be regularly-shaped - no triangle lots.
2) Keyhole subdivision will allow a maximum of 4 non-waterfront lots.(Instead of 1 now allowed)3) No structures are allowed on access lots. 4) All such subdivisions require a conditional use permit.

More information is available at the Zoning Department on both of these Public Hearing issues.

Mark Your Calendar for Realtor/Government Day on April 8!!!

Sawyer County

· The Sawyer County Zoning Committee reviewed RANWW recommended changes to their sign ordinance. Through discussion it was decided to possibly expand their discussion past Real Estate signs and look at their entire sign ordinance. No objections were voiced about the RANWW proposal. However, a couple month process has just expanded to six months minimum.

Mark Your Calendar for Realtor/Government Day on April 8!!!

Washburn County

Washburn County has postponed a vote on their Comprehensive Plan until their April meeting.

Mark Your Calendar for Realtor/Government Day on April 8!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

These are the details on the proposed Rusk County Shoreland Ordinance change that will go to Public Hearing in February. (Keyhole Subdivisions)

1) Lots must be regularly-shaped – no triangle lots.
2) Keyhole subdivision will allow a maximum of 4 non-waterfront lots.(Instead of 1 now allowed)
3) No structures are allowed on access lots.
4) All such subdivisions require a conditional use permit.

Friday, January 9, 2009

The Rusk County Zoning Committee will be holding a Public Hearing on changes to the POWTS maintenance ordinance in February. At the same meeting they will also be considering changes to the Shoreland Ordinance which relaxes the rules for lake access for backlots.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Vacation is over. Local governments in the area are quickly swinging back into action after their six week Hunting/Holidays lull.

Barron County Comprehensive Plan Committee meets on Wednesday January 7 to discuss the Housing Element of the plan. (Agenda)

Bayfield County residents have until January 10 to take the online Comprehensive Plan survey. The survey can be found HERE.

Burnett County follows up on last months Public Hearing on the proposed sign ordinance on January 6. That agenda can be found HERE. No major changes are expected from the proposed ordinance.

Burnett County Comprehensive Planning Committee meets on January 12. No agenda is posted yet.

Rusk County has prepared their Comprehensive Plan survey which will soon be distributed to County residents.

Rusk County Zoning Committee continues to discuss ordinance changes. That meeting will be held on January 7 at the agenda can be found HERE.

Sawyer County will be discussing their sign ordinance at their January 16 meeting. The agenda is not yet posted. The Realtors® Association has been in contact with the Zoning Administrator and has proposed changes to the sign ordinance that pertains to Real Estate For Sale signs.

Sawyer County Comprehensive Plan Committee is on the calender for January 6 but no agenda is yet posted on the website.

Washburn County has postponed a vote on their Comprehensive Plan until the April meeting.

The three year saga of Wal-Mart possibly building in Spooner is over. A letter from Wal-Mart to the City of Spooner officially put an end to this project.