Politically Speaking....

What's Happening in Northwest Wisconsin
Monday, October 5, 2009
It is certainly crunch time in Sawyer County to complete their Comprehensive Plan. The Sawyer County Comprehensive Plan Development Committee will meet on Mondays, October 5, October 12, October 19, October 26, November 2, and November 9, 2009, from 9 a.m. to noon, in the Hayward City Hall Council Chambers. The agenda will include: Development of Sawyer County Comprehensive Plan and opportunity for public comment. These meetings will be working sessions for Committee members.
Friday, September 25, 2009
RANWW September Report
Those counties who are attempting to have Comprehensive Plans approved by January 1 are in the homestretch. Not much else is happening, with total focus being on completion of the plans.
Barron County
The Barron County Comprehensive Plan Committee discussed at their September meeting Intergovernmental Cooperation and Future Land Use maps. Until now it has been relatively smooth sailing. If any bumps are to occur, it will be during the future land use maps discussion.
Bayfield County
Bayfield County Comprehensive Plan Committee also has two meetings planned. The meetings will be September 30 at the Visitors Center and October 1 at the Grandview Town Hall. Both meetings are scheduled from 6-8 pm. Both of these meetings are to update the public on the progress of the plan.
Burnett County
The Comprehensive Plan Committee has two meetings scheduled to update the public on the progress of the plan. The Northern Cluster Meeting is September 21 at the Courthouse from 6-9 pm. The Southern Cluster Meeting is September 22 at the Grantsburg Community Center from 6-9 pm.
Sawyer County
While no Comprehensive Plan meetings have bee scheduled recently, I am assuming Sawyer County is still on schedule for passage of a Comprehensive Plan by January 1.
The proposal to require septic inspections at time of sale of the property has been pulled off the October Zoning Committee agenda. During the next few months representative of the Realtors® Association and Lakes Forum are to meet and attempt to develop a plan for the Zoning Committee to use to identify septic systems throughout the county. According to the motion made by the Zoning Committee, this plan "may or may not include point of sale inspections." More information will be available in the coming months.
Barron County
The Barron County Comprehensive Plan Committee discussed at their September meeting Intergovernmental Cooperation and Future Land Use maps. Until now it has been relatively smooth sailing. If any bumps are to occur, it will be during the future land use maps discussion.
Bayfield County
Bayfield County Comprehensive Plan Committee also has two meetings planned. The meetings will be September 30 at the Visitors Center and October 1 at the Grandview Town Hall. Both meetings are scheduled from 6-8 pm. Both of these meetings are to update the public on the progress of the plan.
Burnett County
The Comprehensive Plan Committee has two meetings scheduled to update the public on the progress of the plan. The Northern Cluster Meeting is September 21 at the Courthouse from 6-9 pm. The Southern Cluster Meeting is September 22 at the Grantsburg Community Center from 6-9 pm.
Sawyer County
While no Comprehensive Plan meetings have bee scheduled recently, I am assuming Sawyer County is still on schedule for passage of a Comprehensive Plan by January 1.
The proposal to require septic inspections at time of sale of the property has been pulled off the October Zoning Committee agenda. During the next few months representative of the Realtors® Association and Lakes Forum are to meet and attempt to develop a plan for the Zoning Committee to use to identify septic systems throughout the county. According to the motion made by the Zoning Committee, this plan "may or may not include point of sale inspections." More information will be available in the coming months.
Monday, September 14, 2009
The Burnett County Comprehensive Plan Committee has two meetings scheduled. The purpose of these meetings is to update the public on the progress of the plan. The Northern Cluster Meeting will be held at the Courthouse on September 21 from 6-9 pm. The Southern Cluster Meeting will be at the Grantsburg Community Center on September 22, also from 6-9 pm.
Bayfield County Comprehensive Plan Committee also has two meetings plan for the same purpose. Their meetings will be September 30 at the Visitors Center and October 1 at the Grandview Town Hall. Both meetings are scheduled from 6-8 pm.
The Sawyer County Zoning Committee is being asked to reconsider their decision to hold a Public Information Meeting on the proposal to require mandatory inspection of septic systems at time of sale. This meeting will be on Friday September 18.
Bayfield County Comprehensive Plan Committee also has two meetings plan for the same purpose. Their meetings will be September 30 at the Visitors Center and October 1 at the Grandview Town Hall. Both meetings are scheduled from 6-8 pm.
The Sawyer County Zoning Committee is being asked to reconsider their decision to hold a Public Information Meeting on the proposal to require mandatory inspection of septic systems at time of sale. This meeting will be on Friday September 18.
Monday, August 24, 2009
The August Community Meetings to review progress of the Burnett County Comprehensive Plan will be held this week. The first is scheduled for Wednesday August 26 at the Great Lakes Visitor Center from 6-8 pm. The second is Thursday at the Town of Grand View, same time.
The Burnett County Comprehensive Plan Committee will meet on August 31 at the Courthouse from 1-3 pm.
According to the Chetek Alert... Longtime Chetek Chamber of Commerce members Butch and Barb Flor, right, were recognized ... for their 35 years as cochairmen of beer sales for the Liberty Fest.
The Burnett County Comprehensive Plan Committee will meet on August 31 at the Courthouse from 1-3 pm.
According to the Chetek Alert... Longtime Chetek Chamber of Commerce members Butch and Barb Flor, right, were recognized ... for their 35 years as cochairmen of beer sales for the Liberty Fest.
Monday, August 17, 2009
August GAD Report
Barron County
Barron County Administrator Duane Hebert gave some parting thoughts to the County Board. After considering many options in a 22-7 vote it was decided to replace Mr. Hebert with another County Administrator.
The Chetek City Council is discussing withdrawing support from the Barron County Economic Development Corporation. Presently the City of Chetek pays $3505 toward the $69,000 salary of Barron County Economic Development Director David Miller. This decision will come soon during the 2010 budget process.
The Chetek and Weyerhaeuser area school boards voted unanimously to approve a resolution to consider consolidation-making them one step closer to approving a merger between the two school districts.
The Chetek and Weyerhaeuser area school boards voted unanimously to approve a resolution to consider consolidation-making them one step closer to approving a merger between the two school districts.
Bayfield County
The Bayfield Comprehensive Planning process marches on. Recently two Open Houses were held to facilitate public input into mapping possible future land use. SEH Project Manager Mike Darrow stated, "It is important for people to look at land use and make comments. We need citizen input. We have four months remaining." The next step in the planning process includes another set of open house meetings in August. In September, SEH plans to start producing draft plans for each town based on the policies the towns have created.
Burnett County
The next meeting of the Burnett County Comprehensive Planning Committee is scheduled for Monday August 31 at 1:00 pm. Four months to go and counting ...
The Rusk County Comprehensive Planning Committee has not met this year. Four months to go and counting ...
The Chetek and Weyerhaeuser area school boards voted unanimously to approve a resolution to consider consolidation-making them one step closer to approving a merger between the two school districts.
Sawyer County
The Sawyer County Zoning Committee will be discussing on August 21 both the sign ordinance and point of sale septic inspections. The RANWW has developed positions on both of these issues. No changes will be made at this meeting as it is not a Public Hearing. But, it could be a great discussion!
The Sawyer County Comprehensive Planning Committee has no new meetings scheduled at this time. Four months to go and counting ...
Washburn County
The Executive Committee will forward a resolution to the full board on a moratorium for constructing new wind mills. Two bills are before state legislators that would name the Public Service Commission (PSC) as the siting agency for wind generators in Wisconsin, a move that would replace a patchwork of local and county ordinances around the state. The intention is the Washburn County moratorium would stay in effect until a law had been passed by the state Legislature. Supposedly, two other counties already have passed similar moratoriums.
The Executive Committee will also place on the County Board agenda and item "requesting" all organizations receiving county funds to follow Wisconsin's open meetings and records law. This is due to action by the Economic Development Committee. The Spooner Advocate reported this exchange between committee members. Michael "Don" Quinton, a county supervisor and committee member, said the word "request" would suggest it is optional. "We request that they do or funding may be withheld," responded County Board Chairman Mike Bobin.
Rusk County
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Barron County Administrator Duane Hebert gave some parting thoughts to the County Board. The Barron New-Shield reports ... In a 22-7 vote it was decided to replace Mr. Hebert with another County Administrator.
The Bayfield County Comprehensive Planning Committee will be holding two Open House Meetings this week. The first at the Town of Bell Community Center (Wednesday) and then the Cable Town Hall (Thursday). Both start with BBQ at 5:00 followed by the Public Presentation at 6:00 pm.
The Washburn County Zoning Committee has added to their July 28 agenda " Discussion on possible moratorium/resolution/ordinance for wind towers."
The Bayfield County Comprehensive Planning Committee will be holding two Open House Meetings this week. The first at the Town of Bell Community Center (Wednesday) and then the Cable Town Hall (Thursday). Both start with BBQ at 5:00 followed by the Public Presentation at 6:00 pm.
The Washburn County Zoning Committee has added to their July 28 agenda " Discussion on possible moratorium/resolution/ordinance for wind towers."
Monday, July 6, 2009
Bayfield County Comprehensive Planning Committee has scheduled two new Community Open House sessions. The first will be held at the Town of Bell Community Center on July 29. In an effort to bribe participation at BBQ will be held prior to the meeting. The BBQ is from 5-6 with the Public Meeting beginning at 6 pm. The next night July 30, at the same times the gathering will be held at the Town of Grandview Town Hall. See you there?
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
The Sawyer County Zoning Committee discussed point of sale inspections for septic systems at their meeting on June 19. Actually the issue was only talked about in passing. Much more time was spent on the failures of the Carmody program which tracks septic inspections. The data base is so bad that reminder cards have not been sent for over a year. The county is in danger of losing the Wisconsin Fund program which pays for septic replacement based on need. The committee members were not aware of the seriousness of the problem. Further discussion of septic system registration will be on the August agenda.
Monday, June 15, 2009
June Monthly Report
Barron County
Barron County Administrator Duane Hebert has resigned to accept an offer from Winona County, MN. The Executive Committee is now discussing what should happen next. The options include hiring a new County Administrator, election of a County Executive, hire a County Coordinator or go back to Committee system.
Barron County held the first meeting of a Recreation Work Group. This committee is looking at upgrading county owned parks, trails, shooting ranges, boat landings and other county owned property. A lengthy discussion also centered on the county's total lack of tourism promotion. When asked if I had any comments I stated "Realtors are interested in tourism and recreation promotion because it brings in new potential buyers." The committee plans on meeting, at minimum, on a monthly basis.
The Chetek and Weyerhaeuser-area school boards voted unanimously to approve a resolution to consider consolidation-making them one step closer to approving a merger between the two school districts.
Bayfield County
According to the last Bayfield County Comprehensive Planning Agenda, meetings were scheduled for June 23 and 24. However, I find no agendas posted on the website. I assume they have been cancelled. Considering their last meetings concerned land use questions, it may be taking some time developing answers.
Burnett County
The Burnett County Comprehensive Planning Committee covered a lot of ground this month. They insist they are on target to have the plan approved by January 1. They have a Northern Cluster meeting to update citizens scheduled for June 22 from 6-9 pm at the Government Center. The Southern Cluster meeting is June 23 at the same time and place. Feel free to attend either meeting. The next meeting of the Comprehensive Planning Committee is July 6.
Rusk County
The Chetek and Weyerhaeuser area school boards voted unanimously to approve a resolution to consider consolidation-making them one step closer to approving a merger between the two school districts.
Sawyer County
The Sawyer County Zoning Committee agenda for June 19 lists ... Continued discussion on septic system inspection at time of sale and discussion on the Carmody program and enforcement of the pumping requirements. The saga will continue.
In a Letter to the Editor of the Sawyer County Record, the Sawyer County Lakes Forum is urging the Sawyer County Zoning Committee to get tough on non registered and failing septic systems without using point of sale as a trigger. This is the same position urged by the Realtors® Association of Northwestern Wisconsin.
Washburn County
The Spooner Advocate has been asking the Washburn County Economic Development Corporation for justification of not allowing the public to participate in their meetings. The entire article can be found here. (Free registration required to read entire article.) Washburn County Economic Development Corporation (WCEDC) President Chuck Jenkins responded to some questions in an Open Letter to the public here.
Other Information
The Wisconsin DNR Board is expected to vote on new Shoreland Regulations (NR 115) at their June 24 meeting. Basic outline of changes can be found here. Unlike past proposed changes these changes are not expected to meet with major opposition. New impervious standards are the most controversial with the elimination of the 50% rule being the most welcomed.
Friday, June 12, 2009
The Wisconsin DNR Board is expected to vote on new Shoreland Regulations (NR 115) at their June 24 meeting. Basic outline of changes can be found here. Unlike past proposed changes these changes are not expected to meet with major opposition. New impervious standards are the most controversial with the elimination of the 50% rule being the most welcomed.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Barron County held the first meeting of a Recreation Work Group. This committee is looking at upgrading county owned parks, trails, shooting ranges, boat landings and other county owned property. A lengthy discussion also centered on the county's total lack of tourism promotion. When asked if I had any comments I stated "Realtors are interested in tourism and recreation promotion because it brings in new potential buyers." The committee plans on meeting, at minimum, on a monthly basis.
Washburn County Economic Development Corporation is on the defensive for their position they are not subject to the Open Meeting Laws. They no longer post agendas or make minutes of meetings available to the public. I have a hunch this issue will not go away quietly.
All RANWW Brokers are being encouraged to enroll in the Broker Involvement Program. Contact me for more details!
Washburn County Economic Development Corporation is on the defensive for their position they are not subject to the Open Meeting Laws. They no longer post agendas or make minutes of meetings available to the public. I have a hunch this issue will not go away quietly.
All RANWW Brokers are being encouraged to enroll in the Broker Involvement Program. Contact me for more details!
Monday, June 1, 2009
The Spooner Advocate has been asking the Washburn County Economic Development Corporation for justification of not allowing the public to participate in their meetings. The entire article can be found here. (Free registration required to read entire article.) Many very interesting questions are asked with no answers in sight.
Barron County Administrator Duane Hebert has accepted the position of Administrator in Winona County, MN. While Mr. Hebert certainly has his detractors, he has always had an open door policy with me to discuss issues of concerns to Realtors® and Builders.
Last year Barron County dismanteled the Parks/Recreation/Forestry Department. That decision has come under fire by many who believe tourist related services should be promoted not diminished. A "Work Group Meeting" is scheuled for June 4 to discuss this issue.
In a Letter to the Editor of the Sawyer County Record, the Sawyer County Lakes Forum is urging the Sawyer County Zoning Committee to get tough on non registered and failing septic systems. This is the same position urged by the Realtors® Association of Northwestern Wisconsin.
Barron County Administrator Duane Hebert has accepted the position of Administrator in Winona County, MN. While Mr. Hebert certainly has his detractors, he has always had an open door policy with me to discuss issues of concerns to Realtors® and Builders.
Last year Barron County dismanteled the Parks/Recreation/Forestry Department. That decision has come under fire by many who believe tourist related services should be promoted not diminished. A "Work Group Meeting" is scheuled for June 4 to discuss this issue.
In a Letter to the Editor of the Sawyer County Record, the Sawyer County Lakes Forum is urging the Sawyer County Zoning Committee to get tough on non registered and failing septic systems. This is the same position urged by the Realtors® Association of Northwestern Wisconsin.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
May Monthly Report
Barron County
The Barron County Comprehensive Planning Committee continues to make rapid progress towards meeting the January 1, 2010 deadline.This month they take up the Draft Utilities and Community Facilities Element and Economic Development Element. A meeting with the Town Association is also being planned. This meeting will focus on Town land uses and how they will integrate into the County Land Use Goals.
The Barron County Zoning Committee had a relatively uneventful Information Meeting for proposed ordinance changes. A decent size crowd of about 20 was there to keep the committee "honest". A few minor revisions were made to the minor revisions being proposed. The Home Occupation permit language was clarified to allow for internet based businesses.
Bayfield County
The Bayfield County Comprehensive Planning Committee keeps pace with their timetable of completion. The next meetings will be May 27th and 28th. These meetings will focus on existing and future land use. Always the most controversial subject in a Comprehensive Plan. The May 27th meeting is at the Visitors Center from 6-8 pm. The May 28th meeting is at the Grandview Town Hall from 6-8 pm.
Bayfield County Zoning Committee is considering changes to the Camping Ordinance. The proposed changes can be obtained from the Zoning Department if you are interested in the details.
Burnett County
A meeting in Burnett County was held to discuss solutions to the local foreclosure problem. A report of this meeting can be found in this article from the Burnett County Sentinel. If you choose not to read the entire article it basically says that state and local government has no control over the problem, can't legislate solutions but will have a series of meetings to discuss it anyway, to look like they are doing something.
The Burnett County Comprehensive Planning Committee cancelled their last planned meeting. With the deadline looming that is not a good sign. Not critical ... but not a good sign.
Rusk County
The Rusk County Comprehensive Planning Committee has not met since December. I am assuming the questionnaire results are being tabulated. There has not been a meeting since the questionnaire was sent out to property owners.
Sawyer County
The Sawyer County Zoning Committee discussed point of sale mandatory septic inspections. The Realtors® Association had the position of opposing mandatory septic inspections at time of sale. Instead endorsed Sawyer County actively pursue a program to identify non registered and failing systems. No decision was even close to being made on this issue. Further discussions will be held in the future.
The Sawyer County Zoning Committee held a Public Input Meeting on the issue of short term rentals in residential zones. Traffic, parking, noise and parties are common complaints. There was no outcry or attempt to ban them but rather how can they be controlled with minimum restrictions.
Washburn County
The Washburn County Board of Supervisors voted 12-8 not to approve the proposed Comprehensive Plan. I guess next year we will find out what happens when a county refuses to comply with the Comprehensive Planning mandate. It could be interesting.
The Washburn County Zoning Committee is proposing changes to the Subdivision Ordinance. No objections to these changes were raised by Realtor® members.
The Barron County Comprehensive Planning Committee continues to make rapid progress towards meeting the January 1, 2010 deadline.This month they take up the Draft Utilities and Community Facilities Element and Economic Development Element. A meeting with the Town Association is also being planned. This meeting will focus on Town land uses and how they will integrate into the County Land Use Goals.
The Barron County Zoning Committee had a relatively uneventful Information Meeting for proposed ordinance changes. A decent size crowd of about 20 was there to keep the committee "honest". A few minor revisions were made to the minor revisions being proposed. The Home Occupation permit language was clarified to allow for internet based businesses.
Bayfield County
The Bayfield County Comprehensive Planning Committee keeps pace with their timetable of completion. The next meetings will be May 27th and 28th. These meetings will focus on existing and future land use. Always the most controversial subject in a Comprehensive Plan. The May 27th meeting is at the Visitors Center from 6-8 pm. The May 28th meeting is at the Grandview Town Hall from 6-8 pm.
Bayfield County Zoning Committee is considering changes to the Camping Ordinance. The proposed changes can be obtained from the Zoning Department if you are interested in the details.
Burnett County
A meeting in Burnett County was held to discuss solutions to the local foreclosure problem. A report of this meeting can be found in this article from the Burnett County Sentinel. If you choose not to read the entire article it basically says that state and local government has no control over the problem, can't legislate solutions but will have a series of meetings to discuss it anyway, to look like they are doing something.
The Burnett County Comprehensive Planning Committee cancelled their last planned meeting. With the deadline looming that is not a good sign. Not critical ... but not a good sign.
Rusk County
The Rusk County Comprehensive Planning Committee has not met since December. I am assuming the questionnaire results are being tabulated. There has not been a meeting since the questionnaire was sent out to property owners.
Sawyer County
The Sawyer County Zoning Committee discussed point of sale mandatory septic inspections. The Realtors® Association had the position of opposing mandatory septic inspections at time of sale. Instead endorsed Sawyer County actively pursue a program to identify non registered and failing systems. No decision was even close to being made on this issue. Further discussions will be held in the future.
The Sawyer County Zoning Committee held a Public Input Meeting on the issue of short term rentals in residential zones. Traffic, parking, noise and parties are common complaints. There was no outcry or attempt to ban them but rather how can they be controlled with minimum restrictions.
Washburn County
The Washburn County Board of Supervisors voted 12-8 not to approve the proposed Comprehensive Plan. I guess next year we will find out what happens when a county refuses to comply with the Comprehensive Planning mandate. It could be interesting.
The Washburn County Zoning Committee is proposing changes to the Subdivision Ordinance. No objections to these changes were raised by Realtor® members.
Friday, May 15, 2009
A meeting in Burnett County discussed solutions (?) to the foreclosure problem.
A report of this meeting can be found in this article from the Burnett County Sentinel.
If you choose not to read the entire article it basically says that state or local government has no control over the problem, can't legislate solutions but will have a bunch of meetings to discuss it anyway, to look like they are doing something.
A report of this meeting can be found in this article from the Burnett County Sentinel.
If you choose not to read the entire article it basically says that state or local government has no control over the problem, can't legislate solutions but will have a bunch of meetings to discuss it anyway, to look like they are doing something.
Monday, April 27, 2009
The "Discussion" session of the Sawyer County Zoning Agenda originally scheduled for April 17 has been rescheduled for Friday May 1 @ 9:00 AM. This includes the discussion on point of sale septic inspections.
Washburn County Board of Supervisors voted 12-8 not to approve the proposed Comprehensive Plan. State law requires passage prior to January 1, 2010 or any land use decision may be challenged in court for failure to be consistent with the plan. No prediction can be made what the ramifications of not passing the plan will be?However, It could be very interesting.
Bayfield County Zoning Committee is considering changes to the Camping Ordinance. The proposed changes can be found here. Anyone interested in this issue should check out the proposed changes.
The Washburn County Zoning Committee will be holding a Public Hearing on proposed changes to the Subdivision Ordinance. The proposed changes have generated no objections from our members.
Washburn County Board of Supervisors voted 12-8 not to approve the proposed Comprehensive Plan. State law requires passage prior to January 1, 2010 or any land use decision may be challenged in court for failure to be consistent with the plan. No prediction can be made what the ramifications of not passing the plan will be?However, It could be very interesting.
Bayfield County Zoning Committee is considering changes to the Camping Ordinance. The proposed changes can be found here. Anyone interested in this issue should check out the proposed changes.
The Washburn County Zoning Committee will be holding a Public Hearing on proposed changes to the Subdivision Ordinance. The proposed changes have generated no objections from our members.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Bayfield County continues on their Comprehensive Plan process without delays. Two Public Open Houses have been scheduled to review the progress of the Committee. It is time for objections to be raised if discovered. The first Open House is April 29 from 6-8 pm at the Iron River Community Center. If you don't know where that is you probably aren't interested in going. The second April 30 from 6-8 pm at the Grand View Town Hall. Ditto.
Sawyer County Zoning Committee has a couple of items of interest on their April 17 agenda. The idea of mandating septic inspections at time of sale of property will be discussed. They will also be discussing, once again, changes to the subdivision ordinance. Finally a discussion on revising the sign ordinance. No action is expected on any of these items (maybe subdivision). But, very interesting discussions could take place.
Sawyer County Comprehensive Planning Committee will be hosting two Open Houses to update the public on the progress of the plan. The first is at the Sawyer County Courthouse Assembly Room on April 28 from 6:00- 7:30 pm. The second is at the Winter School Library Room on April 30 from 6:00 - 7:30 pm. All interested parties, which should be everyone, are encouraged to attend and learn what is planned for your future.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
We all notice the slow down in economic activity in our own ways. For the second month in a row the Rice Lake Planning Commission has cancelled their meeting due to a lack of agenda items.
Rusk County and the City of Ladysmith received good news when it was announced that the former Mt. Senario campus will be reincarnated this fall into an "Educational Learning Center" anchored at first by Silver Lake College which is based in Manitowac. Other colleges are also considering offering classes at the facility.
Monday, March 16, 2009
March Report
Barron County
A shocking meeting was held on March 2. The Barron County Property Committee talked about Tourism. This was the first time in years anyone on the Barron County Board of Supervisors dared to speak the word. Never mind tourism is over a $100 million business annually. It was asked if Barron County did want to get into tourism promotion what committee would be in charge. They didn't know. Will this topic be placed on another agenda for further discussion? Will heads start to peak out of sand? Stay tuned.
A large crowd attended the Rice Lake City Council meeting on March 10. At issue was opposition to special assessments for installation of sidewalks. Since an advisory referendum passed in 2000 by a 60-40 margin, the City has required sidewalks to be installed on new or reconstructed streets. Over the decades as streets are reconstructed the city would have a complete system of sidewalks. The City Council voted to continue that policy and install the sidewalks.
The Barron County Comprehensive Planning Committee has finished with their Housing and Transportation elements. Next up is Utilities/Facilities along with Cultural Resources followed by Economic Development.
Bayfield County
The Comprehensive Planning Survey answers have been released.
· Ninety percent of respondents agreed that Bayfield County should further ensure that its lakes, rivers, streams and wetlands are protected.
·Sixty-nine percent wanted a minimum lot size for single family residential lots to control population growth and preserve the natural amenities.
·Fifty percent would like to see more affordable housing and elderly/assisted living housing.
·Eighty-two percent would encourage public libraries and cellular service in Bayfield County.
·Eighty-seven percent encouraged all types of businesses in Bayfield County. Forty-nine percent encouraged renewable energy business.
·Eighty percent wanted the county to develop design guidelines in commercial, industrial and residential buildings.
These answers and others, will guide the Comprehensive Planning Committee over the next few months.
A shocking meeting was held on March 2. The Barron County Property Committee talked about Tourism. This was the first time in years anyone on the Barron County Board of Supervisors dared to speak the word. Never mind tourism is over a $100 million business annually. It was asked if Barron County did want to get into tourism promotion what committee would be in charge. They didn't know. Will this topic be placed on another agenda for further discussion? Will heads start to peak out of sand? Stay tuned.
A large crowd attended the Rice Lake City Council meeting on March 10. At issue was opposition to special assessments for installation of sidewalks. Since an advisory referendum passed in 2000 by a 60-40 margin, the City has required sidewalks to be installed on new or reconstructed streets. Over the decades as streets are reconstructed the city would have a complete system of sidewalks. The City Council voted to continue that policy and install the sidewalks.
The Barron County Comprehensive Planning Committee has finished with their Housing and Transportation elements. Next up is Utilities/Facilities along with Cultural Resources followed by Economic Development.
Bayfield County
The Comprehensive Planning Survey answers have been released.
· Ninety percent of respondents agreed that Bayfield County should further ensure that its lakes, rivers, streams and wetlands are protected.
·Sixty-nine percent wanted a minimum lot size for single family residential lots to control population growth and preserve the natural amenities.
·Fifty percent would like to see more affordable housing and elderly/assisted living housing.
·Eighty-two percent would encourage public libraries and cellular service in Bayfield County.
·Eighty-seven percent encouraged all types of businesses in Bayfield County. Forty-nine percent encouraged renewable energy business.
·Eighty percent wanted the county to develop design guidelines in commercial, industrial and residential buildings.
These answers and others, will guide the Comprehensive Planning Committee over the next few months.
Burnett County
Burnett County Comprehensive Planning Committee is planning public meetings in April to update citizens on the progress of the plan. This committee is moving right along and is on schedule to have some type of plan completed by the end of the year.
Realtor/Government Day
Sign-up today for Realtor/Government Day April 8 in Madison!
Email Bruce King at Bruce@RANWW.Org to register/reserve your spot for a great all expenses paid day in Madison!
Rusk County
The City of Ladysmith dropped a proposal to asses certain street/sidewalk costs to abutting property owners. The proposal was 75-100 percent of costs for sidewalk repair/replacement - 50 percent of costs for chip sealing - 25 percent of costs for street paving and repaving.
Sawyer County
The Sawyer County Zoning Committee discussed the idea of mandating septic inspections at time of sale of property. There would be no exceptions. This was a preliminary discussion. A committee is working on developing a Position Paper on this issue to be approved by the RANWW Board of Directors. The next discussion of this issue is expected at the April meeting.
Washburn County
Washburn County Economic Development Corporation talked about websites. About how outdated their website promoting Washburn County really is. About how much it would cost to bring it up to date. About what if they don't. How bad is it? A perusal of the WCEDC's Web site revealed that the last newsletter on the site is from the summer of 2007.
The Washburn County Board of Supervisors will be meeting as a Committee of the Whole to hear presentations about Comprehensive Planning. The next vote on this is expected at the April meeting.
Monday, March 2, 2009
I reported last week that the City of Ladysmith would be holding a Public Hearing regarding assessments to property owners to pay for costs of street maintenance. The Ladysmith News reported on the meeting.
About a dozen Ladysmith residents — including several corner lot owners with streets on two sides of their properties — objected Monday to a city plan to start assessing for some street and sidewalk work.
The common council has proposed amending an ordinance to assess abutting property owners:— 75-100 percent of costs for sidewalk repair/replacement.— 50 percent of costs for chip sealing.— 25 percent of costs for street paving and repaving.
Several who spoke during a public hearing on the proposal complained about mounting charges for city services and their ability to absorb another expense.
“This is not Eau Claire. We don’t have the median incomes they have in Eau Claire. We don’t have the median property values they have down in Eau Claire,” resident John Pohlman said. “If they do both sides, this could be a third to half of what my house is assessed at. I am not enthusiastic about signing my deed over to the city.”
The proposal likely will come back to the council for a vote in a couple of months perhaps May or even later, according to (City Administrator) Christianson.
About a dozen Ladysmith residents — including several corner lot owners with streets on two sides of their properties — objected Monday to a city plan to start assessing for some street and sidewalk work.
The common council has proposed amending an ordinance to assess abutting property owners:— 75-100 percent of costs for sidewalk repair/replacement.— 50 percent of costs for chip sealing.— 25 percent of costs for street paving and repaving.
Several who spoke during a public hearing on the proposal complained about mounting charges for city services and their ability to absorb another expense.
“This is not Eau Claire. We don’t have the median incomes they have in Eau Claire. We don’t have the median property values they have down in Eau Claire,” resident John Pohlman said. “If they do both sides, this could be a third to half of what my house is assessed at. I am not enthusiastic about signing my deed over to the city.”
The proposal likely will come back to the council for a vote in a couple of months perhaps May or even later, according to (City Administrator) Christianson.
The Wisconsin DOT (Department of Transportation) is seeking public comment on a new transportation plan it issued last month, called Connections 2030. The long-range plan, which is explained at the DOT website, contains plans for transit via highways, local roads, air, water, bicycle and pedestrian. It also includes linking up several major cities in the state by passenger high-speed light rail transit.
How does northern Wisconsin rate on this long range plan?
... northern Wisconsin is not on the DOT’s map.
We are not even on the map!
Monday, February 23, 2009
How about some good news from the Burnett County Sentinel.
Half a million dollars.
That's the result of the county's first timber sale of the year last week.
Fourteen bidders bid on 11 tracts of land which included, once cut, about 16,000 cords.
"I was surprised they went that high," forestry administrator Jake Nichols said. "It was a good bid opening."
With the housing and construction markets being what they are, it's a good thing Burnett County is a pulp wood market.
"A lot of this stuff isn't going for logs, it's going for pulp wood, either paper products or bio-mass," he clarified.
The bids are for tracts which must be cut by April 2011. He said there are two sales left in the year, one in June, one in October Nichols also released a forest summary which showed $1.4 million in timber sale revenue collected for 2008 — which was a record year.
Another report he issued revealed county forest property yielded $17.39 per acre.
"That's the highest we've had since I've been here," Nichols stated.
Of the 106,000 acres in county forest, about 85,000 acres, roughly 75 percent, is proving to be productive forest land.
"It's very sustainable," committee chairman Ed Peterson said. "That's the good thing about our forest."
Half a million dollars.
That's the result of the county's first timber sale of the year last week.
Fourteen bidders bid on 11 tracts of land which included, once cut, about 16,000 cords.
"I was surprised they went that high," forestry administrator Jake Nichols said. "It was a good bid opening."
With the housing and construction markets being what they are, it's a good thing Burnett County is a pulp wood market.
"A lot of this stuff isn't going for logs, it's going for pulp wood, either paper products or bio-mass," he clarified.
The bids are for tracts which must be cut by April 2011. He said there are two sales left in the year, one in June, one in October Nichols also released a forest summary which showed $1.4 million in timber sale revenue collected for 2008 — which was a record year.
Another report he issued revealed county forest property yielded $17.39 per acre.
"That's the highest we've had since I've been here," Nichols stated.
Of the 106,000 acres in county forest, about 85,000 acres, roughly 75 percent, is proving to be productive forest land.
"It's very sustainable," committee chairman Ed Peterson said. "That's the good thing about our forest."
City of Ladysmith residents may soon be asked to pay more of the cost of street paving, chip-sealing and sidewalk repair and replacement.
The city is proposing:— Assessing abutting owners 100 percent for sidewalk repair/replacement.— Assessing abutting owners 50 percent for chip sealing.— Assessing abutting owners 25 percent of the cost for street paving and repaving.
A hearing on the series of proposed changes in the city’s municipal code is scheduled for 6:35 p.m. Monday, Feb. 23, at city hall. The public is welcome to attend and comment on the proposal.
The city currently assesses for 75 percent of sidewalk and for all of new utility mains and curb and gutter. It does not assess for the cost of rebuilding the actual driven street, the base and pavement.
The city currently does not levy special assessments for street construction and chip sealing.
City Administrator Al Christianson said the city had budgeted about $40,000 for a few small street reconstruction projects, but those funds were earmarked for one or two small projects.
At one time, the city levied special assessments for 100 percent of the cost of sidewalk construction, repair and replacement. Then it was dropped back to 75 percent for the past several years. The city is proposing to raise it back to 100% at this time to recover some of the $25,000 it spends in a typical year for this purpose.
Residents may pay off special assessments all at once right away or make installment payments over 5-15 years with interest slightly above what the city pays to borrow money — right now about 5.75 percent.
Bayfield County Comprehensive Planning Committee will be holding two input meetings this week.
February 25, 20096:00 PM -8:00 PM North Visitors Center View the Meeting Agenda
Monday, February 16, 2009
February GAD Report
Register NOW for Realtor/Government Day on April 8 in Madison.
• Register through the RANWW office (Bruce King - Bruce@Ranww.Org) and Registration will be paid by the RANWW.
• Van transportation will be provided from the Board Office. (While seating lasts)
• Breakfast at Cracker Barrel in Wisconsin Dells is included! (For everyone ... even if you drive!)
• Spend a day discussing very important State issues that impact your ability to do business!
Barron County
The Barron County Public Advisory Group (Comprehensive Planning Committee) raced through a number of items this past month. The Housing Goals are ready to forward to the County Board. Transportation will not be far behind. Followed by Agriculture. Stakeholder Focus Group meetings on other Goals are being scheduled. As each Element is completed it will be forwarded on to the County Board. In this way they will be able to digest each Element as it is presented instead of having the entire plan dropped on them at one time.
Bayfield County
The Bayfield County Comprehensive Planning Committee is still in the information gathering stage. While the January 1, 2010 deadline looms the committee is making an effort not to let that force them into rushing the process. They once again will hold meetings for their Comprehensive Plan in two locations this month. The North Meeting will be at the Great Lakes Visitor Center on February 25 from 6-8 PM and the South Meeting at the Grandview Town Hall on February 26 also from 6-8. Bayfield County is definitely attempting to reach out to the citizens in this method.
Burnett County
The Burnett County Comprehensive Planning Committee is moving right along. A healthy debate on private property rights occurred at their last meeting during discussions on the Draft Policies and Recommendations. It was basically everyone against the Chairman at times. These types of discussions will continue to occur until the process is complete. It is that type of a committee.
Rusk County
The Rusk County Comprehensive Planning Committee has not me since December.
• Register through the RANWW office (Bruce King - Bruce@Ranww.Org) and Registration will be paid by the RANWW.
• Van transportation will be provided from the Board Office. (While seating lasts)
• Breakfast at Cracker Barrel in Wisconsin Dells is included! (For everyone ... even if you drive!)
• Spend a day discussing very important State issues that impact your ability to do business!
Barron County
The Barron County Public Advisory Group (Comprehensive Planning Committee) raced through a number of items this past month. The Housing Goals are ready to forward to the County Board. Transportation will not be far behind. Followed by Agriculture. Stakeholder Focus Group meetings on other Goals are being scheduled. As each Element is completed it will be forwarded on to the County Board. In this way they will be able to digest each Element as it is presented instead of having the entire plan dropped on them at one time.
Bayfield County
The Bayfield County Comprehensive Planning Committee is still in the information gathering stage. While the January 1, 2010 deadline looms the committee is making an effort not to let that force them into rushing the process. They once again will hold meetings for their Comprehensive Plan in two locations this month. The North Meeting will be at the Great Lakes Visitor Center on February 25 from 6-8 PM and the South Meeting at the Grandview Town Hall on February 26 also from 6-8. Bayfield County is definitely attempting to reach out to the citizens in this method.
Burnett County
The Burnett County Comprehensive Planning Committee is moving right along. A healthy debate on private property rights occurred at their last meeting during discussions on the Draft Policies and Recommendations. It was basically everyone against the Chairman at times. These types of discussions will continue to occur until the process is complete. It is that type of a committee.
Rusk County
The Rusk County Comprehensive Planning Committee has not me since December.
They are still waiting for the results of their survey.
The Zoning Committee continues to discuss zoning ordinances changes.
Sawyer County
The Comprehensive Planning Committee reviewed survey results at their last meeting. The next Committee meetings are set for March 3 & 31 and April 21 at the county courthouse beginning at 6:30pm.
The Sawyer County Zoning Committee will continue to discuss the county sign ordinance and it is rumored that they will also re-visit the idea of requiring septic inspections at time of sale. Both of these issues are being monitored very closely.
Washburn County
It was reported at the Washburn County Executive Committee that at the March County Board Meeting representative of the Wisconsin Counties Association and Wisconsin Town Association would be there to discuss Comprehensive Planning. Evidently this would be to discuss the legal obligations of the County and Towns to comply with Smart Growth legislation. A vote on the plan is scheduled for April.
If you have any questions about these or any other government/political issues
do not hesitate to contact me!
The Zoning Committee continues to discuss zoning ordinances changes.
Sawyer County
The Comprehensive Planning Committee reviewed survey results at their last meeting. The next Committee meetings are set for March 3 & 31 and April 21 at the county courthouse beginning at 6:30pm.
The Sawyer County Zoning Committee will continue to discuss the county sign ordinance and it is rumored that they will also re-visit the idea of requiring septic inspections at time of sale. Both of these issues are being monitored very closely.
Washburn County
It was reported at the Washburn County Executive Committee that at the March County Board Meeting representative of the Wisconsin Counties Association and Wisconsin Town Association would be there to discuss Comprehensive Planning. Evidently this would be to discuss the legal obligations of the County and Towns to comply with Smart Growth legislation. A vote on the plan is scheduled for April.
If you have any questions about these or any other government/political issues
do not hesitate to contact me!
Monday, January 19, 2009
January GAD Report
Barron County
· Very unusual tales of "misconduct in office" involving two different Barron County Supervisors came to light over the past few weeks. This story from the Barron News-Shield tells the story.
• A long anticipated Animal Control Contract has been approved by the Barron County Supervisors with the Humane Society. The County is going to attempt to control the stray pet population in the county. We wish them the best of luck in this attempt.
• A proposed sand mine in the Town of Arland is becoming quite a STORY. The Town Board has given their approval for the sand mine but Town residents aren't giving up their opposition.
• An oft repeated complaint of Town Officials is that County Board Supervisors don't listen to their input on issues. An example of this is playing out in the Town of Prairie Lake. A proposed campground, which was twice opposed by the Town of Prairie Lake Planning Commission and Town Board with solid resident approval of their opposition, was approved by the Barron County Board of Adjustment. Residents of that Prairie Lake area have filed a lawsuit asking the court to overturn the decision.
• The Barron County Comprehensive Planning Committee has started to meet twice a month. A healthy discussion on Housing was accomplished last meeting with Transportation being the topic de jur on the January 21 Agenda.
• Rice Lake's awarding winning police dog dies suddenly.
The Rice Lake Police Department's canine officer, Morgan, died Sunday, Jan. 11 of natural causes. Morgan, a 7-year old male German shepherd, has been on the job with Sgt. Steve Roux since the summer of 2003.
Rice Lake Police chief John Sommerfeld told the City Council on Tuesday, Jan. 13 that Morgan suddenly became ill early Sunday morning, collapsed, and died shortly thereafter. He said a preliminary autopsy indicated the dog died of a heart condition.
Mark Your Calendar for Realtor/Government Day on April 8!!!
Bayfield County
· The Bayfield County Comprehensive Planning Committee is going on the road. In an attempt to reach out to the residents the next meetings will be held at the Visitors Center (January 28 Agenda) and Grand View (January 29 Agenda). Everyone Welcome...Please!!!
Mark Your Calendar for Realtor/Government Day on April 8!!!
Burnett County
• Record 2008 timber sales were reported in Burnett County.
With $1.44 million in 2008 timber sales revenue collected to date, a new record has been set for the Burnett County Forest.
"It was the best year we've ever had," forestry administrator Jake Nichols declared. "Even in these economic times."
"It's a good thing for us we are mainly a pulp wood forest," he continued. "Pulp wood is the last market to go bad because everyone needs paper."
• The Burnett County Comprehensive Planning Committee will be reviewing their December Open House Meetings at their next meeting on January 26 at 1:00 pm.
Mark Your Calendar for Realtor/Government Day on April 8!!!
Rusk County
• Rusk County has prepared their Comprehensive Plan Survey and it is in the process of distributing it to the residents.
• A Zoning Committee Public Hearing is being set for changes to the POWTS ordinance to bring it into compliance with State Statutes.
• A Zoning Committee Public Hearing is being set up for changes to the Shoreland Ordinance as it relates to Keyhole Subdivisions. The changes include:
1) Lots must be regularly-shaped - no triangle lots.
2) Keyhole subdivision will allow a maximum of 4 non-waterfront lots.(Instead of 1 now allowed)3) No structures are allowed on access lots. 4) All such subdivisions require a conditional use permit.
More information is available at the Zoning Department on both of these Public Hearing issues.
Mark Your Calendar for Realtor/Government Day on April 8!!!
Sawyer County
· The Sawyer County Zoning Committee reviewed RANWW recommended changes to their sign ordinance. Through discussion it was decided to possibly expand their discussion past Real Estate signs and look at their entire sign ordinance. No objections were voiced about the RANWW proposal. However, a couple month process has just expanded to six months minimum.
Mark Your Calendar for Realtor/Government Day on April 8!!!
Washburn County
Washburn County has postponed a vote on their Comprehensive Plan until their April meeting.
Mark Your Calendar for Realtor/Government Day on April 8!!!
· Very unusual tales of "misconduct in office" involving two different Barron County Supervisors came to light over the past few weeks. This story from the Barron News-Shield tells the story.
• A long anticipated Animal Control Contract has been approved by the Barron County Supervisors with the Humane Society. The County is going to attempt to control the stray pet population in the county. We wish them the best of luck in this attempt.
• A proposed sand mine in the Town of Arland is becoming quite a STORY. The Town Board has given their approval for the sand mine but Town residents aren't giving up their opposition.
• An oft repeated complaint of Town Officials is that County Board Supervisors don't listen to their input on issues. An example of this is playing out in the Town of Prairie Lake. A proposed campground, which was twice opposed by the Town of Prairie Lake Planning Commission and Town Board with solid resident approval of their opposition, was approved by the Barron County Board of Adjustment. Residents of that Prairie Lake area have filed a lawsuit asking the court to overturn the decision.
• The Barron County Comprehensive Planning Committee has started to meet twice a month. A healthy discussion on Housing was accomplished last meeting with Transportation being the topic de jur on the January 21 Agenda.
• Rice Lake's awarding winning police dog dies suddenly.
The Rice Lake Police Department's canine officer, Morgan, died Sunday, Jan. 11 of natural causes. Morgan, a 7-year old male German shepherd, has been on the job with Sgt. Steve Roux since the summer of 2003.
Rice Lake Police chief John Sommerfeld told the City Council on Tuesday, Jan. 13 that Morgan suddenly became ill early Sunday morning, collapsed, and died shortly thereafter. He said a preliminary autopsy indicated the dog died of a heart condition.
Mark Your Calendar for Realtor/Government Day on April 8!!!
Bayfield County
· The Bayfield County Comprehensive Planning Committee is going on the road. In an attempt to reach out to the residents the next meetings will be held at the Visitors Center (January 28 Agenda) and Grand View (January 29 Agenda). Everyone Welcome...Please!!!
Mark Your Calendar for Realtor/Government Day on April 8!!!
Burnett County
• Record 2008 timber sales were reported in Burnett County.
With $1.44 million in 2008 timber sales revenue collected to date, a new record has been set for the Burnett County Forest.
"It was the best year we've ever had," forestry administrator Jake Nichols declared. "Even in these economic times."
"It's a good thing for us we are mainly a pulp wood forest," he continued. "Pulp wood is the last market to go bad because everyone needs paper."
• The Burnett County Comprehensive Planning Committee will be reviewing their December Open House Meetings at their next meeting on January 26 at 1:00 pm.
Mark Your Calendar for Realtor/Government Day on April 8!!!
Rusk County
• Rusk County has prepared their Comprehensive Plan Survey and it is in the process of distributing it to the residents.
• A Zoning Committee Public Hearing is being set for changes to the POWTS ordinance to bring it into compliance with State Statutes.
• A Zoning Committee Public Hearing is being set up for changes to the Shoreland Ordinance as it relates to Keyhole Subdivisions. The changes include:
1) Lots must be regularly-shaped - no triangle lots.
2) Keyhole subdivision will allow a maximum of 4 non-waterfront lots.(Instead of 1 now allowed)3) No structures are allowed on access lots. 4) All such subdivisions require a conditional use permit.
More information is available at the Zoning Department on both of these Public Hearing issues.
Mark Your Calendar for Realtor/Government Day on April 8!!!
Sawyer County
· The Sawyer County Zoning Committee reviewed RANWW recommended changes to their sign ordinance. Through discussion it was decided to possibly expand their discussion past Real Estate signs and look at their entire sign ordinance. No objections were voiced about the RANWW proposal. However, a couple month process has just expanded to six months minimum.
Mark Your Calendar for Realtor/Government Day on April 8!!!
Washburn County
Washburn County has postponed a vote on their Comprehensive Plan until their April meeting.
Mark Your Calendar for Realtor/Government Day on April 8!!!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
These are the details on the proposed Rusk County Shoreland Ordinance change that will go to Public Hearing in February. (Keyhole Subdivisions)
1) Lots must be regularly-shaped – no triangle lots.
2) Keyhole subdivision will allow a maximum of 4 non-waterfront lots.(Instead of 1 now allowed)
3) No structures are allowed on access lots.
4) All such subdivisions require a conditional use permit.
1) Lots must be regularly-shaped – no triangle lots.
2) Keyhole subdivision will allow a maximum of 4 non-waterfront lots.(Instead of 1 now allowed)
3) No structures are allowed on access lots.
4) All such subdivisions require a conditional use permit.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Monday, January 5, 2009
Vacation is over. Local governments in the area are quickly swinging back into action after their six week Hunting/Holidays lull.
Barron County Comprehensive Plan Committee meets on Wednesday January 7 to discuss the Housing Element of the plan. (Agenda)
Bayfield County residents have until January 10 to take the online Comprehensive Plan survey. The survey can be found HERE.
Burnett County follows up on last months Public Hearing on the proposed sign ordinance on January 6. That agenda can be found HERE. No major changes are expected from the proposed ordinance.
Burnett County Comprehensive Planning Committee meets on January 12. No agenda is posted yet.
Rusk County has prepared their Comprehensive Plan survey which will soon be distributed to County residents.
Rusk County Zoning Committee continues to discuss ordinance changes. That meeting will be held on January 7 at the agenda can be found HERE.
Sawyer County will be discussing their sign ordinance at their January 16 meeting. The agenda is not yet posted. The Realtors® Association has been in contact with the Zoning Administrator and has proposed changes to the sign ordinance that pertains to Real Estate For Sale signs.
Sawyer County Comprehensive Plan Committee is on the calender for January 6 but no agenda is yet posted on the website.
Washburn County has postponed a vote on their Comprehensive Plan until the April meeting.
The three year saga of Wal-Mart possibly building in Spooner is over. A letter from Wal-Mart to the City of Spooner officially put an end to this project.
Barron County Comprehensive Plan Committee meets on Wednesday January 7 to discuss the Housing Element of the plan. (Agenda)
Bayfield County residents have until January 10 to take the online Comprehensive Plan survey. The survey can be found HERE.
Burnett County follows up on last months Public Hearing on the proposed sign ordinance on January 6. That agenda can be found HERE. No major changes are expected from the proposed ordinance.
Burnett County Comprehensive Planning Committee meets on January 12. No agenda is posted yet.
Rusk County has prepared their Comprehensive Plan survey which will soon be distributed to County residents.
Rusk County Zoning Committee continues to discuss ordinance changes. That meeting will be held on January 7 at the agenda can be found HERE.
Sawyer County will be discussing their sign ordinance at their January 16 meeting. The agenda is not yet posted. The Realtors® Association has been in contact with the Zoning Administrator and has proposed changes to the sign ordinance that pertains to Real Estate For Sale signs.
Sawyer County Comprehensive Plan Committee is on the calender for January 6 but no agenda is yet posted on the website.
Washburn County has postponed a vote on their Comprehensive Plan until the April meeting.
The three year saga of Wal-Mart possibly building in Spooner is over. A letter from Wal-Mart to the City of Spooner officially put an end to this project.
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