Politically Speaking....

Politically Speaking....
What's Happening in Northwest Wisconsin

Monday, February 16, 2009

February GAD Report

Register NOW for Realtor/Government Day on April 8 in Madison.

• Register through the RANWW office (Bruce King - Bruce@Ranww.Org) and Registration will be paid by the RANWW.

• Van transportation will be provided from the Board Office. (While seating lasts)

• Breakfast at Cracker Barrel in Wisconsin Dells is included! (For everyone ... even if you drive!)

• Spend a day discussing very important State issues that impact your ability to do business!

Barron County

The Barron County Public Advisory Group (Comprehensive Planning Committee) raced through a number of items this past month. The Housing Goals are ready to forward to the County Board. Transportation will not be far behind. Followed by Agriculture. Stakeholder Focus Group meetings on other Goals are being scheduled. As each Element is completed it will be forwarded on to the County Board. In this way they will be able to digest each Element as it is presented instead of having the entire plan dropped on them at one time.

Bayfield County

The Bayfield County Comprehensive Planning Committee is still in the information gathering stage. While the January 1, 2010 deadline looms the committee is making an effort not to let that force them into rushing the process. They once again will hold meetings for their Comprehensive Plan in two locations this month. The North Meeting will be at the Great Lakes Visitor Center on February 25 from 6-8 PM and the South Meeting at the Grandview Town Hall on February 26 also from 6-8. Bayfield County is definitely attempting to reach out to the citizens in this method.

Burnett County

The Burnett County Comprehensive Planning Committee is moving right along. A healthy debate on private property rights occurred at their last meeting during discussions on the Draft Policies and Recommendations. It was basically everyone against the Chairman at times. These types of discussions will continue to occur until the process is complete. It is that type of a committee.

Rusk County

The Rusk County Comprehensive Planning Committee has not me since December.
They are still waiting for the results of their survey.
The Zoning Committee continues to discuss zoning ordinances changes.

Sawyer County

The Comprehensive Planning Committee reviewed survey results at their last meeting. The next Committee meetings are set for March 3 & 31 and April 21 at the county courthouse beginning at 6:30pm.
The Sawyer County Zoning Committee will continue to discuss the county sign ordinance and it is rumored that they will also re-visit the idea of requiring septic inspections at time of sale. Both of these issues are being monitored very closely.

Washburn County

It was reported at the Washburn County Executive Committee that at the March County Board Meeting representative of the Wisconsin Counties Association and Wisconsin Town Association would be there to discuss Comprehensive Planning. Evidently this would be to discuss the legal obligations of the County and Towns to comply with Smart Growth legislation. A vote on the plan is scheduled for April.

If you have any questions about these or any other government/political issues
do not hesitate to contact me!

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